Cushman Banana 50ml shortfill e-liquid is a sweet and rich blend, with a fruity taste. On inhale, a ripe and ever so slightly nutty banana flavour is paired with juicy-tasting mango and a low mint exhale, giving this e-liquid a cool and fresh finish.
Cushman Banana 50ml e-liquid is available in a 70% VG, 50ml shortfill, ideal for sub ohm devices. Should you wish to vape with nicotine, we'd recommend you add a 10ml nic shot of your choice.
Brought to you by Nasty Juice; a Malaysian based e-liquid brand passionate about creating high-end, authentic tasting flavours at affordable prices. Their shortfill range features fresh, fruity and clean flavour notes in a high VG mix, so you can be sure to create big clouds with an even bigger flavour!
- 50ml of E-liquid in a 60ml Shortfill Bottle
- Space For a 10ml Nic Shot
- 70% VG / 30% PG
- Designed for Sub Ohm Vaping
- Made in Malaysia
- Childproof Cap
- Tamper Evident Seal
- Recyclable Bottle